Monday, April 25, 2016

Sort of a Mission Statement...

Hello all! As it says in the description, I've started this blog to chronicle and share my post-Navy adventures as I plan to backpack around the world for a bit. Yeah, I've some some time still, so for the time being, this will help me share my thoughts, motives, and plans and I prepare to be a savvy vagabond for awhile.

Several quality friends have appropriately asked if this was just some way of running away from my problems. This is far from it, this is running toward my dreams. I've always loved to travel and have already been fortunate enough to have circumnavigated the planet and I've seen more countries than most people have US states, but it's always been on the Navy's terms, with curfews and burdensome requirements... This will allow me to see our amazing planet and all of it's beautiful people and creatures on MY terms, where my only limitations will be lack of imagination. That's why encourage and ask anyone to share any location specific advice or sites to see. I wouldn't want to hop a flight out of Equador only to realize later that I missed out on some amazing Inca ruins that I wasn't even aware existed.

Also, I'll be posting gear that I'm considering purchasing to assist with documenting my adventures and any feedback from anyone that has experience with such gear (GoPro, lighter laptop, etc...) would be appreciated to help me make more informed decisions.

I'm well aware that once I begin, internet hotspots will be few and far between, so I plan on saving pics and videos and uploading them to the blog and dropbox as opportunity allows. I'll have my pension rolling in, so I won't necessarily have to hitch-hike everywhere and I imagine I "should" be able to treat myself to quality lodging at least one every two weeks to digitize the notes from my journals and upload pics, vids, etc...

So please feel free to share this blog with anyone you know who might know me and gain an occasional smile seeing what that crazy Nick is up to now...

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